
Technology ....a relationship of love & hate

When I started studing the Public Relations & Technology module I realised to which extend new technologies are "bond" to the effective application of Public Relations nowadays. My observation to what is applied to the most successful and recognised local companies ended up to the conclusion that they still use the more traditional ways. As PR activities statistically at least in Greece, are mostly applied by women, I started searching if there is a kind of correlation between sex and the use of new technologies -there is no reason to mention that my comment do not intent to have characteristics of sexism, but just to set a question for consideration.

According to a reasearch, that took place at the end of 90's (Gender Gaps - Where Schools Still Fail Our Children) there was an inequality in the education of new technologies that was provided to boys and girls respectively. More specifically:

1. Less girls than boys were registered to computing courses
2.The majority of softwares used in the schools were promoting the boy-model and encourage sex descriminations.
3.Girls were using PCs in their free time less than boys and as a result they had less experience in the use of new technologies
4.Girls evaluated themselves as with less skills than boys in the use of new technologies, meaning they felt less familiar with this field
5.Teachers were not trained in the use of technology in order to create an environment that would help girls to be improved in the use of new technologies.

Although the research took place in U.S.A. a decate ago, I feel that the situation describes how the system worked in Greece as well and if we consider that the students of then are the professionals of today, it can be explained why women feel more unfamiliar with the use of new technologies.